Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tracing EBS html pages, forms and concurrent programs

A. Trace HTML pages

Here is how to do the trace for HTML.
For the trace files in the sswa (or HTML) screens you would need to enable the pro
file option FND: Diagnostic = Yes for the user. Then do the following:

1. Click on DIAGNOSTICS which should appear in the upper right side of the screen.

2. This will take you to a window for Diagnostic. In the LOV select SET TRACE LEVEL and click on Go.
3. Then choose TRACE WITH BINDS and Save.
4. Turn of Trace (click on DIAGNOSTICS again and disable trace).
5. Upload the raw and tkprof trace file.

B. Trace Forms

Using Help->Diagnostics->Trace->Trace with Binds in the Forms

C. Trace Concurrent Programs

Sysadmin>concurrent > program > define
Query the concurrent program
Check the trace box to enable trace.

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