Monday, November 2, 2009

How to prevent order confirmation mails sent to customers from cloned instances which are used as DEV or UAT environment?

I was attending an Expert Panel Session about EBS performance at Oracle Open World (10/11-15/2009) and one DBA raised this question. The expert panel could not answer this question directly. I believe other DBAs might have similar problem. Here, I list three ways to solve this problem.

1. Disable sendmail in EBS
Login as sysadmin and pick Alert Manager responsibility. Then pick options under System. Finally, uncheck Unix sendmail In Use check box.

After disabling sendmail from EBS, no emails from Oracle Alert and Oracle Workflow Notification mailer will be sent out.

However, for developers or testers for checking Oracle Alerts and Workflow Notification mailer, they need to receive the mails. Following two ways will meet this requirement.

2. provide an override or test email address from workflow notification mailer
2.1 via OAM
Login to OAM, navigate to Workflow Manager (upper right dropdown box), at the bottom left Related Links section, click Service Components. Then click Workflow Notification Mailer at the bottom. At the upper right of the page, click Set Override Address which will give you the ability to send all emails to a test address. See Email Servers section, Outbound Email Account for Test Address.

2.2 via sql script (from Note 459932.1 How to set a different "test email address" for the workflow notification without connecting to OAM)

2.2.1.Run the following query to check the present value for the test address:

select p.parameter_id, p.parameter_name, v.parameter_value,v.parameter_description,v.default_parameter_value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,fnd_svc_comp_params_b p, fnd_svc_components c where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER' and v.component_id = c.component_id and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id and p.parameter_name ='TEST_ADDRESS';

2.2.2 Do the following to change the value for the test address from the back end without logging into the Oracle Application Manager : the following script $FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql from sqlplus as apps user prompt Enter Component Id: enter id corresponds to Workflow Notification Mailer prompt Enter the Comp Parameter Id to update enter id corresponds to parameter you want to change prompt Enter a value for the parameter enter your parameter value

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